вторник, 23 апреля 2013 г.

BadNews Virus Removed from Google Play

Virus application BadNews, which struck smartphones running Android in Russia and some CIS countries has been removed from the online store Google Play.

Lookout mobile security experts recognized the malware that was hiding under the mask of 34 news, gaming and advertising applications on Russian version of the store Google Play. The infected applications have contributed to loading on smartphones virus called AlphaSMS, which could be used by fraudsters to obtain the phone numbers and the identity of the user.

The experts of the company notified Google about the situation.

"The Corporation has already removed all of the applications in Google Play", - stated in the Lookout mobile security. 

There were also informed that until the investigation is Google has suspended the operation of all accounts whose owners have put a virus program in the store.

BadNews can send the user fake news, then redirect to malware sponsored links. According to experts, the virus could "infect" from 2 to 9 million of Android-based devices users in Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

According to experts, in order to get rid of the virus, simply delete all the downloaded suspicious applications.

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